Indian Railway Helpline Number What To Do If My Purse Lost In Train Know Here

Indian Railway Helpline: If it ever happens that you are traveling in a train and suddenly your purse falls from the train, what will you do? If you are thinking that by pulling the train chain, you will stop the train and pick up the purse, then let us tell you that it is a legal offense to stop the train by pulling the alarm chain. If you do this, then you may also have to pay a fine for this crime. Even jail time may have to be eaten. Many people are not aware of the laws related to this, but the Railway Protection Force (RPF) keeps an eye on those who do such acts. Now the question is, if you can’t pull the chain, how do you get your purse back? We are telling its method here.

First of all, understand that in which situation you can pull the alarm chain of the train, because if there is no knowledge of this, then you may have to bear a lot of loss. You can pull the train’s alarm chain in the following situations.

  • If any of you passenger or child is left and the train starts running.
  • You can pull the chain if the train catches fire.
  • Elderly or disabled person is taking time to board the train and the train starts running.
  • Suddenly someone’s health deteriorates in the bogie, such as having a seizure or a heart attack.

What to do if purse falls?
If your purse is dropped from a moving train and is dropped at an isolated place, then it is 90% sure that your purse will be found. All you have to do is to see the number lying on the front electric pole without looking at the purse when the purse falls. After this, you have to call the RPF helpline. They have to tell that between which station and how many numbers your purse has fallen near the electric pole. After this, RPF will find your purse. After this, you can go back to that station and collect your purse by revealing your identity.

note this number
The All India Security Helpline number of Railway Protection Force is 182. You can dial it at any time and ask for help. On seeking help from them, RPF immediately comes into action and provides proper help. Apart from this, the helpline number of GRP is 1512. You can also dial this and ask for security etc. Rail passenger helpline number is 138. In case of any problem during the train journey, you can dial this number and ask for help. Along with this, you can inform the train captain, TTE, train escort of RPF, coach attendant and any other railway staff.

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